Learn The Science

You’ve probably heard some version of that old joke, “Work, Sleep, Family, Fitness, or Friends… pick 3.” Ha...ha? Well, in reality, the joke’s on us: that line hits way too close to home to even be remotely funny - we wake up early for work, we slowly deplete our energy throughout the day, we come home to take care of the kids, we try to sneak in a bit of Netflix before bed until we realize we should’ve been asleep hours ago, and then our minds are racing and we struggle and struggle to fall asleep. Rinse, recycle, and repeat. Good luck finding time for some exercise in between all of that. According to the National Safety Council, 43% of Americans admit that they’re too tired to think clearly, make informed decisions, and be productive. It’s heartbreaking when you hear friends who’ve just resigned themselves to this as their reality - you can’t build a meaningful life if you’re just running on a hamster wheel all year long.
At the same time, the internet is filled with one-off tips and tricks about increasing your energy. The truth, however, is that fixing your tiredness is an extremely complex, multi-faceted, and sensitive problem. It could stem from a nutritional issue, a sleeping issue, or a whole host of other root causes. The reality is that anyone who tries to sell you a simple fix to the complex problem that is energy optimization is, frankly, being dishonest with you.

Holistic Energy Optimization

Our founders spent years, independently, trying to figure out how to beat their tiredness once and for all and just couldn’t figure it out. One was convinced that habits were the answer - waking up with the sun, falling asleep with a specific bedtime routine, consistently exercising and stretching. The other was convinced that the answer to beating tiredness was in nutrition - designing a meal plan that made her feel great, cutting out processed sugar, and eating fewer meals. The secret, however, was that they were both absolutely right - they just had to focus on a *combination* of their philosophies as opposed to one or the other. That's why here at the Ever Energy Club, we follow a guide that takes an entirely unique approach to improving energy: “Holistic Energy Optimization”the art and science of taking a well-rounded approach to increasing your energy levels: improving how you wake up, optimizing your habits + nutrition throughout the day, and re-imagining how you think about sleep. 

We recognize that energy is an incredibly difficult hurdle to overcome, and so we don’t promise any quick-fixes. Instead, we do two things: 1) We design technology that you can use to beat tiredness every day, and 2) We offer energy coaching for pro tips on nutrition, motivation, and product advice. Constant tiredness is an issue that’s incredibly near and dear to our hearts - we've all been through it - if we can help one person beat their perpetual tiredness, even for just a few months, then we know we’ve succeeded. 


Humans are nothing but the sum of our habits. That's why our product philosophy is simple: we design technology that you can use every single day to help you wake up, help you fall asleep, and help you beat tiredness.

Waking Up

If you can win the morning, you can win the day. Most people underestimate how important it is to have a morning routine - our bodies are biologically programmed to function best when we follow specific morning habits. Our products make your mornings a breeze. 

Falling Asleep

Sleep is an integral piece of the puzzle when it comes to increasing your energy. It doesn’t matter how great your health is, and it doesn’t matter how effective your habits are - if you’re not getting a good night’s sleep, you are never going to be a high-energy person. Our products are designed to signal your body to enter a deep sleep every night.


When you're sick, you go to the doctor. When you have a toothache, you go to the dentist. But when you're tired all the time - what do you do? We offer texting access to our team of energy coaches, with no subscription required. Text them for pro tips on nutrition, motivation, product advice, or hear the latest energy hacks that we're trying out. 


Whether it’s learning an instrument, getting back to the gym, or finally writing that novel that’s been brewing for years - energy is often all we need to change our life for the better. 10 years from now, don’t regret what you *didn’t* get a chance to do. Improve your energy, improve your everything!

We honestly can’t wait to see what you’ll accomplish with your newfound energy. We’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines! Welcome to the club, and welcome to your lifetime supply of energy.


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